これまで様々な方にpixivでコメントやDM、またメールやXでも熱いメッセージや応援コメントを頂いてきました。Alice MuseumのAIイラストを好きでいてくれた方にはがっかりさせてしまい、とても申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいです。
ですのでこの度、Alice MuseumのWebsiteをOPENするに至りました!
これまでpixivに公開していたイラストはこのWebsiteに厳選して復活させています。また、海外の方からリクエストが多かった「イラスト集のPaypal決済」に対応しました。日本以外ではFANZAを利用できず、海外の方はAlice Museumのイラスト集を見る事ができなかったのですが、当Websiteから気軽にご購入頂けるようになりました。是非ともご利用くださいませ。
今後も皆様が楽しんで頂けるような魅力的なAIイラストをGenerateしていきたいと思いますので、どうかAlice Museumを宜しくお願いいたします。また2023年のクリスマスの時のようなプレゼント企画などもやりたいと思っていますので、Xと併せましてチェックしてもらえたらなと思います。
I had been active on pixiv since June 2023, but my account was suspended on December 29 of the same year. After reflecting on the situation, I created a new pixiv account on January 11, 2024 with a fresh mind and started contributing AI illustrations, but my account was suspended again on January 24, 2024. Although I did not think that I myself had committed any violations, I felt that each illustration on pixiv is seen by so many people that it must have appeared as harmful content in the eyes of some viewers.
So far, we have received passionate messages and supportive comments from various people via comments and DMs on pixiv, as well as via email and X. I feel very sorry for disappointing the people who loved Alice Museum’s AI illustrations.
Therefore, we have now opened the Alice Museum website!
The illustrations previously published on pixiv have been carefully selected and restored on this website. In addition, we now support “Paypal payment for illustration books”, which has been requested by many people overseas. FANZA was not available outside of Japan, and foreigners were not able to view Alice Museum’s illustration collection, but now they can easily purchase it from this website. Please feel free to use it.
Click here to purchase the collection of works
We would like to continue to generate attractive AI illustrations that everyone can enjoy, so please support Alice Museum. I would also like to do a gift project similar to Christmas 2023, so I hope you will check it out along with X.
2024.1.24 Alice Museum